My week didn’t go as planned. Decorated with me. Plus a message from the Angels.
I don't have to choose
This weeks video I take you to my favorite park, share my connection to fox’s, new painting and packing day. Last week at the beach before I head home.
FOG - A Love Story | Artist Vlog | Painting at the Beach
This one is a beauty … enjoy.
Sabrina the Witch
A Halloween Special. This week we are celebrating October and all the spooky, misty wonderfulness of the changing of the season. I start by taking you to my favorite farmers market and show you all the beautiful seasonal flowers, plants and produce that they sell. Then we are taking a closers look at Camp Easy a cabin in the foot hills of the blue ridge mountains. Last weeks video I shared with you a little bit about the fact that its been in my family for 4 generations. I thought it would be fun this week to give you a visual tour of the cabin and all of it eccentric messy glory. And finally I am sharing this weeks backwards beauty painting called Sabrina the Witch. It was inspired by my love of October but also by a tv show I watched growing up called Bewitched. It was a light hearted show that followed a beautiful witch that was married to a mortal. She promised him she would not use her witch craft but often found herself in trouble and had to use her spells to get out of trouble. I talk about the troubles I had painting this one and ask for your help in the end picking which setting you think looks best for this painting a dark or light academia setting. Let me know in the comments. xoxo jan
Isabel the Painting
This week video is filmed at Camp Easy a cabin in the foot hills of the blue ridge mountains. I am painting a victorian inspired portrait. Come join me for a lovely time completely infused with the vibes of October.