We are in the studio painting this week. I am sharing my inspiration behind this portrait of Leonora and Brad Pitt ... aka Lancelot aka the blonde bombshell. I also share with you how to fix your painting mistakes if you can't figure out just where everything went wrong. I am sharing a really good tip on how I use photoshop to help. Also sharing my struggles on finding balance between getting lost in the flow of creating and sharing my process.
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The making of Diana the painting | No Words | Visual story | Oil Painting tips
This weeks video starts off by rewinding the clock back to when the weather was warm and I was sitting under a tree painting Diana. Then it step back in time to present day where we are having a snow storm and I am cozy inside my studio working on Diana the painting. This one I wanted it to be a visual story with no words because I just loved the contrast of the two different season that this painting has been created. I think each season has its beauty it's just a matter of finding joy in the things that speak to your heart. I also give my tips on how to tone your painting to change the mood of it and a quick and easy way to make a gradient background from a light color to a dark color. Next week I am starting on a fun painting of Leonora and her little furry brad pit. New video every Tuesday.